Swag Off-Road Campers

Caravans For Sale Melbourne

To view our range of hybrid caravans check out our closest showroom in Bendigo.

Our Bendigo showroom offers you the opportunity to inspect our Caravans for Sale while experiencing the quality and features that make the Swag off-road range stand out from the rest.

On Sale

Sct13 Pop Top Couples Max Swag Campers (1) White Background With Drop Shadow Min

Summer Sizzler

$ 64,990.00*

From $ 54,990.00*

$ 64,990.00* ($ 215** P/W)

On Sale

Sct13 Pop Top Couples Max Swag Campers (1) White Background With Drop Shadow Min

Summer Sizzler

$ 64,990.00*

From $ 54,990.00*

$ 64,990.00* ($ 215** P/W)

A lead in heading

A lead in heading
Item #1

Curabitur sit amet magna faucibus, pharetra velit non, bibendum dui. Duis facilisis venenatis lacus in eleifend. Praesent condimentum blandit ante, nec dictum ligula vulputate sed. Phasellus nibh mi, rutrum in tempus in, fringilla et neque. Morbi egestas nunc massa, vel hendrerit eros facilisis scelerisque. Aliquam viverra faucibus justo, at eleifend lectus viverra id. Sed neque orci, suscipit et mi ut, finibus aliquam ante. Vestibulum nec imperdiet justo. Phasellus tincidunt velit a ligula viverra imperdiet. Etiam tincidunt id erat non gravida.

A lead in heading

A lead in heading

Sed sagittis, libero eu iaculis gravida, quam nisi sollicitudin orci, vitae cursus ligula velit sit amet nulla. Suspendisse ut leo et nibh euismod semper. Quisque a justo ullamcorper, finibus nunc sit amet, blandit dolor. Nullam pharetra ultricies purus, at interdum mi finibus vitae. Phasellus nec tellus mauris. Nullam pellentesque turpis metus, et ornare massa posuere ac. Nunc in lorem quis tortor accumsan aliquam. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus maximus est nec lobortis finibus. Sed sed risus sit amet est dictum vulputate sed a metus. Cras id tempus enim.

Duis sed velit sit amet arcu varius suscipit. Phasellus pretium mauris ac molestie posuere. Integer blandit massa fringilla quam laoreet, a placerat felis egestas. Nulla vitae odio et magna semper aliquam. Nullam tincidunt, mauris quis condimentum congue, libero ligula dapibus ante, vestibulum elementum urna mi et dui. Maecenas quis neque ut quam venenatis imperdiet. Curabitur vehicula est ac quam commodo, nec blandit metus tristique. Aenean rutrum dictum dolor non accumsan. Mauris rutrum accumsan dictum.


It’s a great opportunity to compare the different models and get a feel for what best suits your needs. Whether you’re looking for a compact hybrid for two, or a larger family off-road caravan, our friendly staff and representatives are available to run you through the various features and help you make an informed decision based on your requirements. Discover the thoughtful design and quality features you’ve come to expect in a SWAG caravan, from the oversized sleeping areas, large ensuites, abundant storage and well-appointed external kitchens.

We have a Victorian location in Bendigo, where you can experience the Swag range first hand. Let us help you envision the comfort and convenience that awaits on your upcoming Aussie off-road adventure!


Opening Hours
Mon- Fri
08:30am - 05:30pm
09:00am - 04:00pm


Contact and visit us to experience the ease and comfort that your future Australian Off-road adventures in a Swag Caravan will offer.

Sct16 Offroad 1 Form

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Go Places Img

Go places you only ever imagined

Swag Off Road Camper Trailers & Hybrid Caravans
Designed With Off Grid Living In Mind
Designed with off grid living in mind, our hybrid and off-road caravans are equipped with everything you need to get off the beaten track. With two 150W solar panels, coupled with two 170AH lithium batteries, you'll have ample energy and storage to keep your essential devices running, even during those cloudy days. The 2000W inverter ensures you can power various household appliances, making your off-grid experience comfortable and convenient. Additionally, the 200L fresh water storage provides you with a reliable source of clean water for all your daily needs.